

I help build, position and connect brands with human hearts and minds. It's pretty magical stuff.



Creative Direction
Art Direction
Brand Development
Marketing Strategy
Graphic Design
Web Design & Development
Content Strategy
Project Management
Business Development
Social Media Management


Fun Facts:

Guacamole master
Defensive driver
Experienced coffee drinker
Solid hiking buddy
Fast Swimmer (race you?)
Descent cook
Father of two (teenagers!)
Expert Googler
Self-driven (unless carpooling)
Street Fighter II Master
Professional doodler
Dance partner in-training

My Story

For the past fifteen years I’ve worked on just about every type of visual communications project there is. From spreadsheets to stickers, large-scale ad campaigns to complex user-interface design – I’ve just about done it all. I’ve offered my two cents on visual communications and business problems to politicians, C-Level executives, moms n’ pops, entrepreneurs, family members, friends, facebookers, random people on the streets and just about anyone who will listen. If there’s one common thread in all of the branding work I’ve done, it’s got to be authenticity.

People want to do business with other authentic, genuine, honest people. Whether you’re selling shoes, music, running a restaurant, offering legal services, cutting hair, or fixing cars – people appreciate authentic brands that aren’t afraid to be themselves. So, who are you? Why should people do business with you? What makes you different? Answering these questions and forming those answers into a visual language (whether it’s a printed piece, or online in digital form) is my thing.

Maybe you’re starting a business and need an identity that resonates with customers. Maybe you’ve been in business for some time, but your current identity or marketing strategy just isn’t cutting it and you’ve been ignoring it for too long. It’s never too late for a fresh start. If you have a project you’d like to discuss or would like to get to know more about what I can do for your business, let’s connect.

In the meantime, I’ve typed up a handy laundry list of my skills and services below. Check out my Resume, too.


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